A Poem of Praise Inspired by Psalm 19

The mountains declare the glory of God; the whole of creation displays His splendor.

Sentinels of testimony both day and night; proud peaks proclaim The Creator’s craftsmanship.

Wordlessly they stand, speaking volumes about the grandeur of God. All creatures catch their breath in awe and wonder.

God has set the mountains like jewels in the landscape, telling His story of majesty and beauty . . . causing all who behold them to declare His glory. Amen.

We have just returned from Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons National parks. I am always impressed by how near God seems in nature. I love to hike through the trees with the scent of the pines. I marvel at God’s handiwork in the majestic mountains and refreshing waters. And I wonder, again, how someone could enjoy the work of God’s hand, yet deny the existence of a Creator. He seems so plainly evident! He seems so undeniably engaged in our everyday existence! Even the mountains declare it without speaking a word.

Thank You, Father God!