New Creation in Christ Jesus

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. . . . 2 Corinthians 5:17

We use this verse to encourage ourselves and others to leave our guilt and shame behind. We encourage each other to see ourselves as God sees us: a new creation in Christ Jesus. But that is not how Paul, the writer of Corinthians, used the verse.

Let me just say that I am passionate about leaving behind the guilt and shame that the enemy puts on us. If using this verse helps us to walk out our freedom in Christ, then praise God! But that is not why Paul wrote it.

Paul’s intention with this verse was to give us a new perspective as to how to evaluate other Christians. It is part of his overall argument to not judge Christians by their outward appearance. He wants us to overlook their poor behavior and sloppy appearance. He urges us to look instead at their heart. Because they are a new creation in Christ, God lives inside of them!

Our job is to overlook the faults of other Christians and see God’s heart in them. This is part of “the ministry of reconciliation” that God has called us to (v.18). God is reconciling the whole world to Himself through Jesus Christ. We who have already been reconciled to Him now have a part to play in His ministry of reconciliation. We have the privilege and obligation to tenderly plead with others to be reconciled with Him.

So, I am tenderly pleading with you: Turn your face to God. Give your heart to Jesus. Be reconciled with your Creator. Be that new creation in Christ Jesus!