Hints of the Secret

Here’s the secret: The gospel of grace has made you, non-Jewish believers, into coheirs of His promise through your union with Him. And you have now become members of His body – one with the Anointed One! Ephesians 3:6 TPT

With the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the secret is out. God intended, from eternity past, to . . . .

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Movie Script Idea

The story of King Jeroboam, first king of divided Israel (c. 920 BC), is so filled with drama and intrigue that it would make a great movie. How has Hollywood missed this opportunity? Are there no Bible readers in Hollywood?

My opening scene would be the prophet Ahijah tearing Jeroboam’s new cloak into 12 pieces . . . .

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White Haired Beauty

Margie was already a grandma with white hair when I met her. Yet, she was one of the most beautiful women in my life. She was a volunteer at the prayer ministry I had just joined. I loved serving on Margie’s prayer team because she bubbled with joy and enthusiasm for the Lord. Often when she spoke of her Savior, her passion . . .

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You Have My "Yes!"

The Words You speak to me are worth more than all the riches and wealth in the whole world! Psalm 119:72 TPT

I read this Psalm while sitting on the floor in God’s presence. I wondered would I still sit on the floor, in self-abasement, if I had all the riches and wealth in the whole world? I needed no time to think about it. My answer is an emphatic, “YES!”

Sitting on the floor is my position of . . . .

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A Man After God's Own Heart

King David is described in scripture as “a man after God’s own heart.” I had assumed God was referring to David’s heart of worship. That is what David is famous for. David wrote many of the psalms of praise. David established a rotation of worshipers to play and sing in the temple 24/7. But God is not highlighting David’s heart of worship. God is highlighting . . .

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Grow in Your Walk

Without me noticing, I have some how become one of the “older women” at my church. No longer am I the one trying to figure out how to grow kids God’s way or parent with love and logic. My kids are grown. That puts me in the category of “older women.” I really don’t mind; I like being older and wiser – especially the wiser part. I have always loved to encourage people, especially younger women. Now, there is just a lot more of them!

Today, I am another year older and wiser. So . . . .

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