The Beautiful Temple

A deep longing for God throbs throughout this poetic song. The “beautiful temple” that the psalmist praised was an actual building. The building was grand in size and ornamentation, but that is not why he praised it. The “beautiful temple” represented the “Beautiful One.” To the Old Testament believer, the “beautiful temple” was the very presence of God.

Fires of sacrifices and offerings (passion for God) burned 24/7, . . .

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Hur is of the Tribe of Judah

Hur is of the tribe of Judah. This struck me as significant because Hur, along with Aaron, held up Moses arms during Israel's first ever battle as a Nation.

After the Nation of Israel passed safely through the Red Sea, the Amaleks came and fought against them. Moses told Joshua to choose men to fight the battle, and he (Moses) would station himself . . .

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Endurance to the End

My spiritual journals over the years are peppered with pleas that I would not deny Christ, like Peter did. And that I would not depart from the Lord in my old age, like Solomon did. Especially this last year, I have had many conversations with the Lord about “finishing well.” . . . .

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God Is Our Personal Bodyguard

When my children were young, I would tell them that God’s rules are our umbrella of protection. If we follow God’s rules, then He covers us. But if we step out from underneath His umbrella of protection, then we make ourselves vulnerable.

These verses from Proverbs are even better imagery. When we follow God’s ways, He becomes our Personal Bodyguard. He is protecting and guarding us as we choose what is right. . . .

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New Year's Declarations

As others are making New Year’s resolutions, I am making New Year’s declarations.

Declarations speak the promises of God as fact in our lives, no matter how things look or feel. Speaking declarations is how we partner with the will of God to see change our lives.

Speaking declarations is an excellent way to overcome anxiety and produce joy (Pr. 12:28). Speaking declarations releases life wherever we go (Pr. 18:21). And declarations are essential to entering our “promised land” (Joshua 1:8).

So here are the declarations that I am going to speak over my life this year: . . .

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