Seeds of Prayer

What sign will you give me to prove this will happen? Luke 1:18d

I am struck, again, with the juxtaposition of Gabriel’s announcements to both Zechariah and Mary of impending supernatural births. As I meditated on them looking for fresh revelation, my heart kept wandering back to poor Zechariah.

As a priest, Zechariah was consecrated -set apart- to serve God. Part of his duties was to receive and offer to God the gifts and sacrifices that the people of Israel brought to the temple. Many of those offerings were given for the birth of sons.

Zechariah had prayed for years for his own children. Literally, decades of prayer for a child of his own. My heart keeps returning to his hopeless situation. Zechariah and Elizabeth were beyond the childbearing years; he had long given up praying for a child.

Are there prayers that you’ve prayed so long for that you have given up? This is what arrests my heart today: the seemingly hopeless situations, even after decades of prayer. What have you been believing for? An unsaved family member? A prodigal child? Physical healing? Me too!!

I am encouraged by Zechariah and Mary to continue in prayer, no matter how hopeless it looks. Hopeless situations, tilled with prayer, are the seedbed of God’s heart for the possible! He created all life with a single Word! He gave newness of life with the breath of His Spirit! And He will breathe on the dormant seeds of prayer in our lives just like Zechariah’s, and He will create new life! Praise God!!!