Mary Foreshadows the Christian Life

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, foreshadows the Christian Life!

Why have I never seen this before? When the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary with Baby Jesus, He was foreshadowing Jesus coming to live inside of us once we accept Him.

Like Mary, we will be misunderstood and scorned at times. But, Oh, the joy of having Jesus – the Savior of the World – growing inside of us! No amount of ridicule can make us abort the Prince of Peace!

Pretty soon Jesus has grown so large on the inside of us, that He has to come out! He will be evident in the things that we say and do. He may be small, at first. But as He grows bigger in our lives, the sphere of His influence in and around us grows too.

After Jesus came into her life, Mary had more children; she was what the Scripture calls “a fruitful vine.” In John 15, Jesus says that if we will abide (live) in Him and He in us, then we will bear much fruit. We may not have actual birth children, as Mary did. But we will have spiritual children and many other blessings as Jesus brings us into fruitfulness.

What a beautiful revelation for Christmas morning!!