Getting Through the Holidays

I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will dwell securely. Psalm 16:8-9 NASB

I love the Christmas season so much that it breaks my heart to hear people say, “I’m just trying to get through the holidays.” Because I eagerly anticipate the focus on Jesus and the time with family, I am saddened to know that many people actually dread the Christmas season. If that’s you, I want to encourage you from Psalm 16.

David wrote this psalm/song during his wilderness wanderings. David was literally wandering through the wilderness, hiding out in caves and dodging the armies of his king and father-in-law, Saul. David had served and protected - yes, even loved - Saul. Yet, Saul turned on him and pursued him, trying to kill him!

Even in that dire situation, David wrote this song about feeling secure and rejoicing with a glad heart! How was David able to find peace and joy in this situation? What are the keys to a glad heart in any and all circumstances?

Look at verse 8; it contains two keys to having that glad heart. The first key is to set your eyes continually on the Lord. David fixed his gaze on God. He kept looking to God, not to Saul and his armies. David didn’t dwell on the enemies surrounding him. Instead, David focused on God. God’s plans. God’s provision. God’s path of life.

The second key in verse 8 is actually a declaration. David declared his trust in God. There is power in speaking out (declaring) your trust in God. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). Speak out your trust in God, even if you don’t feel it. For example, “God loves me and is working all things to my good.” It is important to speak it out because your ears will hear, and your heart will eventually follow.

Those are the keys to rejoicing with a glad heart, even in times of trouble. Those are the keys to feeling secure, even when surrounded by enemies. Those are the keys to “getting through the holidays.” Continually set your eyes upon the Lord and declare your trust in Him!!!

Those are the keys to truly having a Merry Christmas.