I Am Resilient

  • Book Review of

  • I Am Resilient

  • By Andrea Thompson

If I could, I would buy every one of you a copy of this book!! I cannot loan you mine because I want it near at hand. Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed by the storms of life, I want to be able to pull this book off my shelf.

Andrea Thompson has overcome abuse, cancer and other traumas . . . and come out smiling!! How did she do THAT?! And more importantly, how can I do that!? The answers are in her book.

Because Andrea is vulnerable with her own story, her book is engaging. I found that I was rooting for her in her struggles and cheering over her successes throughout the book. Her vulnerability also makes the chapters that may be tough to swallow, more palatable. For instance, there is a chapter entitled, “A Resilient Person Doesn’t Mind Having Their Butt Kicked.” Yikes! Again, her story of learning to “embrace the training ground,” encouraged me. If she can do it, I can too!

The best part about this book is that it is also a “how to” manual. Each chapter ends with a couple of straight forward questions. If taken seriously, these questions can offer hope of a brilliant future, in the storms of life. That’s why I need this book on my shelf as a reference manual. Her breakthrough testimony is our invitation to healing and wholeness!!

I believe Andrea’s book will become basic reading in every kind of Support Group. I believe that because she is training us how to let go of destructive mind sets and step into an empowered lifestyle.

Take your first step into a confident and empowered life; order this book today! You will be blessed.