Endurance to the End

Now may God, the source of great endurance and comfort, grace you with unity among yourselves, which flows from your relationship with Jesus, the Anointed One. Romans 15:5TPT

My spiritual journals over the years are peppered with pleas that I would not deny Christ, like Peter did. And that I would not depart from the Lord in my old age, like Solomon did. Especially this last year, I have had many conversations with the Lord about “finishing well.” I want to endure in grace, to the very end.

I don’t want to be so consumed by own pain and problems that I am cranky and demanding. I don’t want to be that bitter old woman who finds fault with everyone and everything.

I want to speak life! I want to be the one to encourage others to “follow hard after Jesus; nothing else matters.” Or encourage young women to “love your husband and love your children.” Even if I mention it five times in our ten-minute conversation because of my own forgetfulness or confusion. So be it! I want to be grateful to the end! I want to be the encourager! I want to speak life!

I was reminded recently that my endurance is “spotty” at best. But the hope of my endurance is not found in me – my character or my strength. Praise God!! My hope to endure to the end is found in HIM!! HE is the God of great endurance and comfort!!! And He is faithful . . . to the very end!

God is the One who will provide everything I need to continue to be and do what He has called me to. He has called me to be an encourager. So He will enable me to endure in that until the end. Thank You, Jesus!