Blessed and Highly Favored

How are you?

When people ask me that, I usually reply “Blessed and Highly Favored!” Store clerks are often amused . . . or confused as how to respond to such a declaration. Still others will smile say, “Me too!”

My sunny disposition was forged in the trenches of combating negativity. Thirty years ago I spent all day in a negative work environment. In that den of darkness, I resolved to be the ray of sunshine. When they walked in grumbling about the traffic or the rain, I pointed out the colorful sunrise or the fresh air. When they fumed about another co-worker, I would praise their good qualities. When they complained about their paltry bonus, I expressed gratitude to even get a bonus. Day after day, I tried to find a positive comment to their every diatribe.

After three years of being “Sally Sunshine” in that place, I don’t remember it making an impact on the work atmosphere. But it had an impact on me!! I found myself looking for that ray of sunshine everywhere! My positive attitude filled my heart with joy and gratefulness! I had become addicted to being an encourager! I actively sought ways to encourage others in every arena of my life.

At that time, I trained myself to say, “Fabulous!” every time someone ask how I was. I practiced in order to get a bright, tone of voice and enough “punch” in the delivery. So often did I say this that it became automatic. But then, . . . I walked through a season of life in which, “Fabulous!” felt like a lie. I couldn’t brightly and emphatically announce that I was “Fabulous!” if I really wasn’t. So that positive habit that I had worked so hard to develop, faded away.

“Blessed and Highly Favored” is my declaration now. Even if the circumstances of my life are not fabulous, I am still “Blessed and Highly Favored!” The God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ has blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Eph.1:3). God has surrounded me with favor as with a shield (Ps.5:12). Yes, I am the “Blessed and Highly Favored” One. And if you walk with Him, you are too!! Amen!!