At a women’s retreat, years ago, the speaker asked, “In the light of eternity, does it really matter?” She was attempting to get us to let go of offences and move toward forgiveness. I took her advice and forgave . . . .
Read MoreHeaven
Book Review of:
By: Randy Alcorn
Published by: Tyndale
What is on your “bucket list?” Are you hoping to hike the Grand Canyon or to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef? One of the important bucket list items to me was to visit the Holy Land. But there is no need to race all over the planet . . .
Read MoreExperiencing God Through Prayer
Last year One Million new books were published, in the US alone. Yes, One Million! Even before the proliferation of self-publishing, over 300,000 new titles were printed each year. That seems like an overwhelming number to me. Of those hundreds of thousands of books, how many new titles do you read and recommend each year? How many will be remembered and reprinted in 100 years?
Jeanne Guyon’s books are still being reprinted after 500 years! . . . .
Read MoreEncountering God Through Dance Book Review
I started reading Saara’s book as an assignment for my church. We are beginning a worship dance ministry, and my assignment was to glean ideas for documentation. However, I became so engrossed in the book that I forgot about my assignment!
Maybe you have no intention of dancing or flagging during a worship service. I know I didn’t! But . . .
Read MoreBorn to Create
This blog is the first step to publishing the book I have always dreamed about.
That dream of writing a book was hindered by the lie that I had nothing unique or interesting to share. The courage to start this blog and dream about publishing a book came from the School of Creativity at Bethel Church in Redding California.
The first day of the School, the lies that I had believed disintegrated. . . .
Read MoreImagine Heaven
Imagine Heaven allowed me to do just that. Imagining heaven is what attracts me to these testimonies. I love to envision Jesus as a Being of Light; His light and love emanating and permeating everything! I soak in . . . .
Read MoreBeauty Begins: Making Peace With Your Reflection
This mother-daughter team has written the book that has been on my heart for years. And they have done it beautifully! I can heartily recommend this book to every woman – young and old. Even husbands and fathers can find a blessing here, especially in the addendum written by the husbands of the authors.
The key to making peace with our reflection is to . . .
Read MoreI Am Resilient
If I could, I would buy every one of you a copy of this book!! I cannot loan you mine because I want it near at hand. Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed by the storms of life, I want to be able to pull this book off my shelf.
Andrea Thompson has overcome abuse, cancer and other traumas . . . and come out smiling!! . . . .
Read MoreThe Veil
My favorite testimonies to read are resurrections. I love to hear peoples’ descriptions of heaven when they have come back from the dead. Scripture says precious little about heaven, so I cherish those glimpses behind the veil.
Blake Healy didn’t need to be resurrected from the dead to describe what is behind the veil. He can see into the Spirit realm any time he wants to! . . . .
Read MoreThe Essential Guide to Healing
I loved the mentoring this book provided. And I appreciated the information regarding the practical application of healing. I feel better prepared for praying over people in the Healing Rooms.
I actually read the third section . . .
Read MoreBeyond the Ancient Door
God instructed Pastor James Durham to write this book, not once but twice! That got my attention! I had to read what God insisted must be written.
So desperate was I for the message of the book . . .
Read MoreAn Ocean of Love
I find it impossible to keep up my spiritual disciplines while traveling. Despite my best intentions, I never find the time to open the Bible I carried or kneel in prayer before starting my day. Consequently, I return home feeling dry and
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