Finish the Book!

Loyal Friends and Followers,

I am taking a short break from posting . . . to Finish the Book!

God has had a book on my heart, and I have started writing it several time over the last few years. However, the book was still incubating in my heart and mind. Finally, the season to write has arrived! God has lit a fire in my bones; each morning I can’t wait to get in front of the computer to write!! I am delighted to share with you that I am halfway through the writing phase!

When I return to posting in 4 weeks, I hope to report that the writing is finished. Since this is my first book, I don’t know how long the publishing process takes. But I hope to have the book available for Christmas next year.

The book is a devotional on our identity in Christ from the book of Ephesians. It is designed primarily as a personal devotional, but I am including questions so that it can be used in small groups as well. I appreciate any prayer support you are willing to lend.

May He bless you with His favor!

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Experiencing God Through Prayer

Last year One Million new books were published, in the US alone. Yes, One Million! Even before the proliferation of self-publishing, over 300,000 new titles were printed each year. That seems like an overwhelming number to me. Of those hundreds of thousands of books, how many new titles do you read and recommend each year? How many will be remembered and reprinted in 100 years?

Jeanne Guyon’s books are still being reprinted after 500 years! . . . .

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