Brother Van: Montana Pioneer Circuit Rider

  • Book Review of

  • Brother Van: Montana Pioneer Circuit Rider

  • By: Robert W. Lind, Ph.D.

  • Published by: SkyHouse Publishers

Author Lind had my heart so wrapped around Brother Van that I actually shed a tear or two with the mourners in the last chapter. Now, that is a well written book!

Montana is my birthplace. I spent most of my growing years in Helena and Butte. That is the reason I picked up this book in the first place. The state history that Lind weaves into his book is picturesque and palpable, especially since I have been to many of those places.

Even if you don’t know or love Montana, you will love Brother Van. His inspirational story is of a young man who heard God’s call and obeyed. He endured hardship and loneliness . . . yet found joy and love in the people of God. His tenacity and generosity are legendary.

Brother Van’s life story will have you saying, as Brother Van did, “I am fully resolved to live nearer to Jesus this year.” I know I am.