Experiencing God Through Prayer

  • Book Review of

  • Experiencing God Through Prayer

  • By Jeanne Guyon

  • Published by Whitaker House

Last year One Million new books were published, in the US alone. Yes, One Million! Even before the proliferation of self-publishing, over 300,000 new titles were printed each year. That seems like an overwhelming number to me. Of those hundreds of thousands of books, how many new titles do you read and recommend each year? How many will be remembered and reprinted in 100 years?

Jeanne Guyon’s books are still being reprinted after 500 years! The fact that her books are still being read and recommended today is remarkable. Her books have staying power in the volume of titles published over the centuries. That in itself is a compelling reason to read her books. Knowing that she was sent to prison for the words she penned, heightens the compulsion. Her books must be read!

Experiencing God Through Prayer is a short book that leads you on a journey to intimacy with God. It could be read quickly, but that is not the point. It should be read slowly and meditatively. She is training the reader to be led by the Holy Spirit and commune with God. Many over the centuries have been influenced to love and serve God through her little book.

But I believe the real power in her book is LOVE. Jeanne Guyon exemplifies the two greatest commandments: she loves God, and she loves others. Her passionate love for her Savior leaps from every page. She speaks about Jesus with such loving abandon that you can’t help but desire to love Him too. And her love for YOU, her reader, reaches out like a hug. It’s as if your own beloved grandmother were sharing her perils of spiritual wisdom.

Yes, Jeanne Guyon’s books are “classics” for a reason. They are a “must read” for every Christian. Enjoy!