Love Notes

Most young children struggle with fears. Mine certainly did. In this time of worldwide pandemic, in which the children’s world is dramatically upset, I imagine those fears are at a panic level. I empathize with the parents who are trying to calm and reassure their children.

Let me share with you a couple of ideas that worked wonders when my children were little. Having faith in an Almighty God cannot be overemphasized. When the whole world is shaken, it is comforting to know that your God cannot be shaken. Children need that firm foundation.

I also had regular “prayer times” with my young children. I always did this at bedtime. We would read a Bible story and pray as they laid in bed. I chose bedtime because then they could drift off to sleep in the right mind set.

Finally, I also wrote out scriptures on 3 x 5 cards held together with a ring binder. The scriptures spoke about God’s faithfulness, power and love. I had them keep these scriptures next to their beds so they could review them, if they were plagued by fears in the night.

You may be thinking that these seem like obvious suggestions, but they made a huge impact on shaping the character of my children. Last week one of my children admitted having trouble sleeping because of all this pandemic news. I suggested she make herself a set 3 x 5 scripture cards for her bedside. She smiled and said, “I remember those!”

Least you think that scripture cards are just for children, I have posted a photo of my “scripture cards.” My “cards” are actually hearts cut from scrap-booking paper. On them I DID write some scriptures, especially from Isaiah 62. But I also wrote words of prophesy spoken over me, and visions that the Lord has given me.

For example, I had a vision of a BIG grey mountain; it was so large that I could see only a piece of it. As I looked at the mountain, it was splashed with bright, watery colors. I interpreted that to mean that watercolor was only a small fraction of the creativity that God has in store for me. So I wrote that vision as a love note from the Lord. It reads, “The gift of creativity that I have given you is more and greater than you can see or imagine! Love, Abba.”

I have dozens of these “cards” in my various Bibles. I use them as bookmarks and am delighted when I come upon one that I haven’t seen in a while. It is like finding a love note from my Beloved Bridegroom. You see, scripture cards are not just for children. They are like having your own personal, handwritten devotional. I hope you are inspired to create some your own. Be Blessed!