The Crux of the Gospel

Rather, their issues centered around disagreements with him over their religion, and a dead man named Jesus, who Paul claimed was alive. Acts 25:19 TPT

I chuckle every time I read this verse. The Roman governor, Festus, was perplexed as to what to do with the apostle Paul, who had been left in prison. When Festus assumed command, he expected the Jewish leaders to accuse Paul of some vicious crimes. Instead, they argued about “their religion” and about some dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive. I chuckle because this Roman governor unknowingly speaks the crux of the Gospel in one sentence.

Who is Jesus to you? Is Jesus just some dead guy that people argue over? Or is Jesus alive to you? How you answer this question determines how you will experience life here on the earth . .. and where you will spend eternity after this earth.

If Jesus is just some dead guy to you, then He cannot help you in your day-to-day struggles. Jesus provides peace in the midst of the storm. He offers comfort and security in a dangerous world. He gives a deep-seated joy that cannot be shaken, come what may. To access all those benefits (and many, many others!) in your day-to-day life, you must believe that Jesus is Alive.

If Jesus is just a “good man” or “wise prophet” who is dead and gone, then He has no power to save you from the torment of hell. God – not a god, but THE ONE TRUE GOD – became a man to purchase our freedom from the grip of Satan. God wants you and me to live with Him in heaven, but Satan stole our hearts and our destinies. Jesus, the God-man, came to purchase them back. Then He rejoined His Father in heaven, where Jesus is Alive.

So you see, that question of whether Jesus is dead of alive really IS the crux of the Gospel. And your answer to that question has consequences in this life and the next. JESUS IS ALIVE!