God is the Deliverer

No, but I have come as Captain of the Army of the LORD. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and worshipped . .. . Joshua 5:14 ONMB

Joshua had already been anointed by Moses in front of the people of Israel, at God’s direction. But here God is giving Joshua His commissioning, His strategies, His marching orders.

Joshua fell on his face because he knew that he was in the presence of the Lord, Himself. This is confirmed in the next verse where Joshua is instructed to remove his shoes because he is on holy ground.

I’m comparing this to Moses’ burning bush experience. God announced to Moses that He has come down to deliver His people from slavery into a “good and spacious land.” God was sending Moses to accomplish the task. But Moses voiced some objections. He said, “God, I’m a nobody .. . . They are not going to listen to me. .. .I don’t speak very well.” In the end, Moses pleaded, “Please, Lord, send someone else.” Joshua, on the other hand, went immediately and did what he was told to do. The Lord spoke, and Joshua responded in obedience.

O’Lord, may I be like Joshua - quick to obey, without complaining!!

The other thing I noticed is that in both cases, God was announcing what HE – GOD – was about to do. To Moses, God said, “I am going to deliver My people.” To Joshua, He said, “I have delivered Jericho into your hand.” God is the deliverer! Moses and Joshua had a part to play in the strategy of God to accomplish His purpose. But it is God’s plan. It is God’s strategy. It is God’s victory!

You and I also have a part to play in God’s strategy. God has a role for each of us in His army, should we choose to accept it. We can join His ranks with confidence that we are on the winning side! God’s plans are never thwarted! Our victory is assured! God is the Deliverer!!!