The Revival Lifestyle

“How filled you become when you are consumed with hunger and desire, for you will be completely satisfied. How content you become when you weep with complete brokenness, for you will laugh with unrestrained joy.” Luke 6:21 TPT

Jesus’ restatement of the beatitudes in Luke reminded me of the revival lifestyle. We talk about the revival lifestyle as being “hungry” for more of the Lord. We hear it described as “hotly pursuing Him” rather than just warming a pew. And that is exactly what Jesus is teaching here in Luke.

The “blessed” ones are the ones who are “poor in spirit” or “humble.” In other words, they are the ones who acknowledge they are bankrupt (poor) without God. Jesus promises to enrich those who walk humbly before Him by giving them access to the Kingdom of heaven. That is walking in revival.

The “blessed” ones hunger for God. Jesus promises that if you are consumed with a hunger and desire for Him, then He will completely satisfy you. This is the revival lifestyle.

The “blessed” ones are those who weep. They are weeping over their sins, faults, failings. They are coming to Jesus with a brokenness and contrite heart. For their repentance, Jesus gives them laughter and unrestrained joy! This is walking in holiness; this is the revival lifestyle.

What matters most to Jesus? Who are the people that carry Jesus’ blessing and favor? They are the ones who are Humble, Hungry and Holy.

But Wait! It gets better. The “blessed” ones are hated, excluded and reviled. That doesn’t sound too good until you realize He is talking about looking ridiculous for Him. It is a call to obedience, no matter what it looks like to the watching world. Jesus promises that if you will obey Him even at the cost of your reputation, “you will celebrate and dance with overflowing joy.” You will dance with joy because this world no longer has a hold on you; you are finally free!! Not only will you celebrate in this life because of your freedom, you will also have “abundant reward” in heaven.

Jesus rewards the revival lifestyle here on the earth and in heaven. When you honor Him, He honors you. It is His promise. You can take Him at His Word. You WILL be blessed! Amen!