Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. . . Isaiah 65:17
There is a whole genre of art that takes what you and I would call “junk” and turns it into something beautiful. These artists salvage broken and discarded things and fashion them into a beautiful re-creation.
God is the first and ultimate salvage artist. He created the heavens and the earth and everything in them, so that He could dwell with the people He created. But humanity rebelled against God, and now we, and the earth, groan under the weight of our sin (Rom. 8:22). Yes, we humans made a mess of things by yielding the dominion that God had given to us, to the devil. Now the devil’s evil schemes have littered the earth with broken and discarded people. The devil seeks to destroy everything that God created.
But wait! I have Good News! God is going to salvage what looks like junk to us. His original creation was “good” and “very good.” God had intended before the foundation of the world to redeem what He started – His original creation (Eph. 1:4). Jesus came to recreate what sin has broken. And at the end of this age, God is going to recreate the heavens and the earth (Rev. 21:1). God will finally dwell with the redeemed people of His creation, which was His plan all along. Yes, our God is the ultimate salvage artist!
And He is re-creating something beautiful out of you and me. Amen!!