An Ocean of Love   

. . . may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breath and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.  Ephesians 3:18-19 NASB

I find it impossible to keep up my spiritual disciplines while traveling.  Despite my best intentions, I never find the time to open the Bible I carried or kneel in prayer before starting my day.  Consequently, I return home feeling dry and distant from the Lord my God. 

Recently I returned from a month-long journey, and I was desperate for the Lord!  I couldn’t wait to get to my church to be among believers who also love HIM.  Tears of joy sprang to my eyes as we sang about His amazing love.

During that worship song, God gave me a visual of His amazing love.  I saw myself as a tiny speck in a vast ocean.  The ocean extended beyond my field of vision; it was wider and deeper than I could comprehend.  This ocean was His love!  I was surrounded and engulfed in an ocean of His love!  His amazing love is wider, longer, higher and deeper than I can comprehend!  Even at times when I feel far from Him, His love surpasses my understanding!

Thank you, Lord, for Your limitless love.  And thank You for reminding me when I need it most.