The Veil

  • Book Review of

  • The Veil: An Invitation to the Unseen Realm

  • By Blake Healy

  • Published by Charisma House

My favorite testimonies to read are resurrections. I love to hear peoples’ descriptions of heaven when they have come back from the dead. Scripture says precious little about heaven, so I cherish those glimpses behind the veil.

Blake Healy didn’t need to be resurrected from the dead to describe what is behind the veil. He can see into the Spirit realm any time he wants to! That’s right, any time he wants! AND he says that seeing beyond the veil is available to every believer!!

I practically read the book in one sitting! I soaked it up like water on parched sand! And I was left thirsting for more. I filled more than two pages of my journal with notes and quotes. The one I want to share with you is about healing, which is close to my heart:

“Every time I’ve prayed from someone to be physically healed – every single time – I’ve seen the healing available. Sometimes it’s an activation angel carrying a bowl full of green liquid or a churning wave of light and color that splashes and splatters every corner of the room, but it’s always there in some form. Unfortunately, not everyone I’ve prayed for has been healed.” (Page 103.)

I have the great privilege of praying for the sick often. And I would LOVE to see that green liquid or churning colors over the people that I pray for! Even so, I will pray with greater confidence knowing that the manifestation of their healing is so close!

I’ve begun to practice Healy’s suggestions for seeing beyond the veil. As yet, I’ve not seen into the Spirit realm with my eyes open. (I often “see” images with my eyes closed.) But I am not discouraged. I believe the desire in my heart for glimpses of heaven are God-given. In fact, I believe God embeds that desire in every heart . . . so we will seek Him. And seek Him I shall!!