The Passing of Another Patriarch

I attended my first military funeral today. We honored the service and passing of Robert Reeves Sansing, my Mother’s husband.

I thank God for the years that He shared Bob with us. Bob’s life of integrity was a beautiful example to our blended family. He faithfully served his God . . . his family . . . and his country. I am proud to be among the mourners wishing I could have had more time with Bob.

The military funeral was a fitting tribute for such a faithful warrior. The Honor Guard, the 21 gun salute, and the bugler playing Taps swelled my heart and brimmed my eyes. I shed real tears as the young Honor Guard knelt before my Mom to give the memorial flag and offer his condolences. Again I wept when another of the Honor Guard presented her with the official documents and offered his condolences. I was completely undone when a third Honor Guard knelt before my Mom to present her with a memorial gift of three shell cases from the gun salute, and, again, offer his condolences.

I’m certain Bob was smiling down from heaven to see his life fondly remembered and his widow honored. And I’m praising Jesus that we will get to see Bob again. Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled with God; a way for us to dwell in the presence of our Heavenly Father; way for us to spend eternity with the ones we love.

Thank You, Jesus, for Bob’s life. Thank You, that we will once again see his winsome smile and hear his Texas drawl. Praise You, Jesus!!