Imagine Heaven

  • Book Review of

  • Imagine Heaven by

  • John Burke

  • Published by Baker Books

People who have died and been revived give the most fascinating testimonies. I have read as many as have crossed my path. John Burke has spent 35 years reading and studying nearly a 1000 of these testimonies. So I was excited to read his insights as to the commonalities and messages contained in them.

Imagine Heaven allowed me to do just that. Imagining heaven is what attracts me to these testimonies. I love to envision Jesus as a Being of Light; His light and love emanating and permeating everything! I soak in the descriptions of flowers and trees and colors of heaven. I visualize the city of God with its streets of transparent gold and glittering river of life. These meditations bring me joy and peace.

Burke is a former skeptic turned pastor. So he keeps the skeptic in mind as he writes his book. That makes it a great evangelistic tool. Yet, he has plenty of scripture to back up his observations, which seasoned Christians will appreciate.

One commonality that Burke reports is “The Life Review.” People report seeing their whole life replayed with Jesus showing the impact of their words and deeds – both good and bad. Accomplishments and awards are not a part of the life review. Relationships are what is on Jesus’ heart. Love and relationships!! And the ripple effect of those interactions.

The underlying question of the “Life Review” seems to be, “How well did you love people for Me?” This question resonates in my spirit!! Already I had committed to have my every word and deed speak “Life.” Now, I am further motivate to have only fruitfulness rippling out from my every interaction!

Of course, I can’t do that in my own strength. I must yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will convict me of every negative thought and deed so that I can confess and repent. It is also the Holy Spirit that will lead me to say and do the things that will have the greatest positive impact. In fact, before I even finished the chapter on “The Life Review,” the Holy Spirit prompted me to put the book down and call some people. Holy Spirit wanted me to love on them . . . for eternity’s sake.

Oh Lord, let me so connected with Your love that it just flows forth from me to everyone You put in my path. Amen and amen!!