Encountering God Through Dance Book Review

  • Book Review of:

  • Encountering God Through Dance; The Dancing Bride

  • By: Saara Taina

  • Published by: Destiny Image

I started reading Saara’s book as an assignment for my church. We are beginning a worship dance ministry, and my assignment was to glean ideas for documentation. However, I became so engrossed in the book that I forgot about my assignment!

Maybe you have no intention of dancing or flagging during a worship service. I know I didn’t! But I encourage you to read her book anyway. Worship is the focus of Saara’s book. God created us for worship. In fact, we are meant to worship God with everything we have – body, soul and spirit. God created everything – including dance – for His pleasure and His glory.

Saara begins with her own journey of learning to dance with God. She has chapters on the scriptural basis for dancing and on creating a worship dance team in your local church. Each chapter is sprinkled with engrossing testimonies of healings, salvations, breakthroughs, etc. from all over the world!

Worship dance transforms the life of the dancer, bringing healing and freedom. Worship dance impacts the viewers who are drawn into an encounter with the Holy Spirit. And worship dance defeats the enemy by bringing down strongholds and breaking bondages!

God has been wooing me into the dance for over a year now. I believe His invitation into worship dance is in answer to my prayer for greater intimacy with Him. If that is your heart’s cry too, then be open to the dance. Your Beloved Bridegroom is inviting you to partner with Him in new and exciting ways. He is holding out His hand to you and imploring you, “Come worship with Me!”