Spiritual Nuggets

Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all. 1Corinthians 12:7 TPT

God called me to start this blog to share the “nuggets” that He gives me from His Word. Still, I must confess, that I sometimes listen to the negative voices in my head. The voices that say, “Why do you waste so much time on that blog? No one cares about your ‘nuggets.’ You have nothing to offer. Etc.”

When I succumb to those negative voices, it is God Himself who encourages me. He reminds me that the goal is not to have a large number of readers. The goal is intimacy with Him!

My self-imposed deadline of one devotion a week, keeps me in the Word daily. It causes me to give Him my focused attention. I’m continually looking to Him for greater revelation – more “nuggets” to share.

Since I’ve already reached my goal of constantly seeking His Presence, I could leave those “nuggets” languishing in my spiritual journal. But the Apostle Paul reminds us that our spiritual gifts are not for us alone. Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit all.

So let me encourage you as the Lord has encouraged me. You, Christian, are continually given revelation by the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is constantly speaking to you. I encourage you to bless others with your revelations. And when you do, God will give you more! Praise the Lord!