Marching Orders

One of the organizational details is the Marching Order of the tribes. When the pillar of cloud and/or fire would lift from the Tabernacle, the Israelites were to break camp and follow. God gave specific instruction about the order in which they should march.

I began to wonder if there was a significance to our Christian walk in their Marching Orders. And I believe I have found one. . .

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Porpoise Skins Representing the Holy Spirit?

Buried in the intricate detail of the wilderness Tabernacle are the 4 layers of curtains for the Holy Place. This is the enclosed tent where the priests ministered at the Table of Showbread, the Altar of Incense, the Menorah, and the Ark of the Covenant. God prescribed 4 layers of curtains with the final layer made of porpoise skins (or badger skins, depending on your translation). In other words, the layer that would be seen from the outside is porpoise skins. I had an idea that I was considering and needed to know what are these porpoise skins all about. My biblical references were no help. . . .

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The Language of Sonship

The nation of Israel coward in fear when God’s voice thundered from Mount Sinai. They wanted Moses to be their mediator. So throughout the whole Old Testament, instead of speaking directly, God spoke through His prophets. The nation of Israel had to piece together what God was trying to communicate to them through the prophetic acts and words of the prophets.

These days, God has a new way of communicating . . . .

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