No More Sea?

Then in a vision I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea no longer existed. Revelation 21:1 TPT

I love to walk on the beach. There is something about the roar of the ocean and the salt air that causes me to heave a contented sigh. Even if the wind whips the waves into whitecaps, I still enjoy watching the water swirl about. So when I contemplated a new heaven and new earth without a sea as it says in Revelation, I felt sad. Praise God, that is not a literal statement!

“The Sea” is a metaphor for “sinful humanity” or “wicked nations” (Is. 23:4; Is. 57:20; Ez. 26:3). In that context, having no more sea is a good thing. No longer will sinful people abuse and murder children. No longer will the defenseless be trafficked into slavery. No long will wicked nations annihilate whole people groups. Yes, having no more sea of sinful humanity is a good thing. Finally, justice and righteousness will reign! Thank You, Jesus!!!

If you love walking on the beach like I do, I have good news for you. Heaven has plenty of peaceful waters to enjoy. There is the “sea of glass” that symbolizes peace and tranquility before God’s throne. And there is the “river of life” that flows from the throne bringing life and fruitfulness to everything it touches. Imagine the peace that will envelope us as we walk next to the River of Life!! What a joy that will be!!!