The Language of Sonship

But to us living in these last days, God now speaks to us openly in the language of a Son, the appointed Heir of everything. . . Hebrews 1:2a TPT

The nation of Israel coward in fear when God’s voice thundered from Mount Sinai. They wanted Moses to be their mediator. So throughout the whole Old Testament, instead of speaking directly, God spoke through His prophets. The nation of Israel had to piece together what God was trying to communicate to them through the prophetic acts and words of the prophets.

These days, God has a new way of communicating to His people: Through a Son. The “Sonship” of Jesus is the way God speaks with us today. That is why we diligently study the life and words of Jesus. Everything The Son said and did is God communicating to us. Even the Old Testament “prophetic language” becomes clearer through the “language of Sonship.”

And, of course, Jesus didn’t stay in the tomb. The Son arose from the dead and is currently seated at the right hand of God. God spoke through the words and deeds of Jesus here on earth. And He continues speaking today through The Son who is seated at His right hand . . . to those who have ears to hear.

Finally, this is why our “Sonship” – our identity – in Christ is so important. As sons of the Living God, we are God’s communication tool. When our words and deeds speak the “Language of Sonship,” then God communicates His love and destiny to and for His people.

Wow! This is HUGE! No wonder God is so anxious for us to “grow up” into our identity in Christ. He longs to see us rise up into our Sonship so that we can fulfill our destiny as the “Language of Sonship.”