On The Way

We were vacationing and on the way to see some interesting site. We came upon a small, local grocery store and stopped for snacks. As I made my purchase, I couldn’t help noticing the baby in the next check stand. The baby was so tiny and cute! It must have been less than one week old! The young parents were attempting to buy a handful of items with an expired food card. My heart went out to them. I felt the Lord nudging me to purchase their few items. But I hesitated. And the opportunity was lost!

Why did I hesitate? Was I anxious to be on my way? Was I rushed by the impatient customer behind me? I don’t remember. That was 20 years ago. But I still remember the missed opportunity to be a blessing to that young family. And I have resolved to look for such opportunities on the way.

One such opportunity presented itself this week. I was on the way to pray for a young man dying of a strange, unidentifiable cancer. In the hospital restroom, I came upon a young woman doubled over in pain and tears. My prayer partner and I ministered to her for several minutes. As I walked her to her car, she shared that she struggles every day to care for her 2 preschool children with this debilitating disease. With grateful tears she was praising God for loving her. She could see His loving care and concern because He had sent people to help her and pray for her.

Yes, we also prayed for the young man with cancer. We spent more than an hour praying for him and his pregnant wife. And certainly, God was in that room. But I am more convinced than ever that God’s opportunities for us happen “on the way.” And I am more determined than ever to capture those opportunities to be a blessing.

Blessed to be a blessing!!!