Fall Feasts

All Christians celebrated “God’s feasts,” the feasts that God established, until about 300AD. At that time the Emperor Constantine made Christianity the state religion and stripped it of its Jewish roots. He gave us Christmas and Easter instead.

Until I became an avid Bible reader, I thought the feasts . . .

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Jacob was Created; Israel was Formed

Jacob (Father of the 12 tribes) was created, but Israel was formed (transformed). Our patriarch, Jacob, wrestled with God by the brook called Jabbok. There God changed his name to Israel. You can review the story in Genesis 32.

I see in this a picture of our regeneration in Jesus Christ. It foreshadows the “born again” experience. Jacob was created, as we all are, . . .

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Spiritual Nuggets

God called me to start this blog to share the “nuggets” that He gives me from His Word. Still, I must confess, that I sometimes listen to the negative voices in my head. The voices that say, “Why do you waste so much time on that blog? No one cares about your ‘nuggets.’ You have nothing to offer. Etc.”

When I succumb to those negative voices . . .

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Mercy for the Mean - 2nd attempt

Ever since I first wrote the devotion entitled “Mercy for the Mean,” the Lord has been nudging me to rewrite it. And I can see why. The original version (I will leave it up for comparison) has no mention of God’s supernatural enabling to forgive in the face of true evil. So here is my second attempt. Please send me an email with your comments.

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