Doubly Blessed

We can be doubly sure that God wants to bless us and multiply us!

“God desires that we live in divine health.” 

I confidently proclaimed that statement at the last two Healing Room trainings, and both times I was asked to give scripture references.  How sad!  It breaks my heart . . .

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Shine for Jesus

These passages about bringing oil for the menorah are a beautiful reminder to shine for Jesus.

In Leviticus here, God is requiring that two things be continually brought by His people for the service of His Tabernacle – His dwelling place.  One of those things is specially . . .

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Burnt Offering

But my attention was drawn to the priest who is up all night stoking the fire.  A whole carcass would take several hours to burn, probably all night.  And the flames would need to be roaring hot in order to reduce it, bones and all, to ashes.  That priest isn’t going to get any sleep!

Since we are priest unto our God . . .

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Burning Bush - Baptism of Fire

Moses’ burning bush is a foreshadowing of the fire of the Holy Spirit spoken of in the gospels.

It is clear from the context in Matthew that the fire of Holy Spirit is for burning up the chaff in our lives.  The chaff is all the junk in our lives . . .

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Authority=To Protect and to Build

The return of the Israelites to Jerusalem from exile is a picture of personal salvation.  The first thing the exiles did when they returned was to build an altar and make an offering.  This is akin to inviting Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.  After many discouragements and distractions,

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