Shine for Jesus

Then the LORD spoke to Moses saying, “Command the children of Israel to take to you pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually.  Outside the veil of the Testimony, in the Tent of Meeting, Aaron will order it from the evening to the morning before the LORD continually: it will be a statute forever in your generations.  He will set in order the lamps on the pure menorah before the LORD continually.”  Lev. 24:1-4 One New Man Bible

These passages about bringing oil for the menorah are a beautiful reminder to shine for Jesus.

In Leviticus here, God is requiring that two things be continually brought by His people for the service of His Tabernacle – His dwelling place.  One of those things is specially produced olive oil to light the Menorah – the lamp.

It is in the symbolism of the oil that I find the beautiful reminder.  Oil symbolizes the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and it symbolizes the Word of God.  So, spiritually, God is requiring that we, as His people, continue in His Word and in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Then the light of our lamp will shine!

To continue in His Word is clear enough.  Read my Bible evening and morning, day in and day out.  What does it mean to be anointed with the Holy Spirit continually?

To anoint literally means “to rub” as in rubbing oil on a person or thing.  Anointing is used to set people (or things) apart for God’s service as in priests or prophets.  Anointing is also used to confer authority on a person as in King David and others. 

So to be continually anointed by the Holy Spirit means to be continually set apart for God’s service.  It means to be continually moving in the authority He has conferred on us.

And God wants His dwelling well lit!  Several times and in different ways, God expresses His desire for the light to be on-going: evening to morning, set the lamps in order, a statute forever, etc.  He wants our lights to shine so that all the world can see and come to His light..

How beautiful is that?!  I am inspired to shine for Jesus!!!