Doubly Blessed

We can be doubly sure that God wants to bless us and multiply us!

“God desires that we live in divine health.” 

I confidently proclaimed that statement at the last two Healing Room trainings, and both times I was asked to give scripture references.  How sad!  It breaks my heart that many Christians do not believe that HE desires that we live in divine health?  Why does the Body of Christ question HIS goodness?  Why do we doubt HIS love for us?!

As I meditated on Hebrews 6:9-20 today, I am doubly sure that God wants us to bless us with divine health. 

God made a promise to Abraham saying, “I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply you.” (v.14)  As children of Abraham, we are heirs to that promise.  God has promised that He will bless us and multiply us.

God desired to show “the heirs of the promise” (that’s us!!) the unchangeableness of HIS purpose so He guaranteed it with an oath (v.17).  He had to swear by HIMSELF because there is no One higher than HIM to swear by.  And what is HIS guaranteed, unchangeable purpose?  Back up to verse fourteen: “I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply you.”

God’s guaranteed, unchangeable purpose is to bless us!!  Yes, His desire is that we live in divine health; that is part of the blessing!  All sickness and disease are part of the curse, see Leviticus 26.  God desires to bless us, not curse us.  Healing and wholeness are a part of the blessing!

We can be doubly sure that we will inherit that promise of blessing and multiplication because:

  1. 1) It was promised by God (who cannot lie) and

  2. 2) He guaranteed it with an oath. (v.18)

We can be doubly sure of blessing and multiplication because it is anchored to the very throne of God – not once, but twice!