Lavish Love

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,” Ephesians 1:3 NASB

My favorite chapter in scripture for the last few years has been Ephesians 1. It is a list of the spiritual blessings that God has lavished on us who are “in Christ.”

I love that word: lavish! It points to the unbelievable richness of the blessings that He has gifted us. The God of the universe chose us to be His very own! Before the foundation of the world, He purposed to join us to Himself in Christ Jesus. Because of His great love for us, it was always His plan to adopt us as his own delightful children. Isn’t that beautiful!? And that is just the beginning!

I love to rehearse the spiritual blessings that God has lavished on me! It builds my faith. Those blessings are also my identity; who I am “in Christ.” I am chosen by God. I am beloved by God. I am His delightful daughter.

I also love the fact that this was God’s purpose and forethought. Before He created the universe; before He ever said, “Let there be light!,” God planned our redemption. He knew that we would need saving. He knew that He would send His Son to die on our behalf. Again, how great the Father’s love that He has lavished on us!!

Of course, God’s plans and purposes don’t end there. He has a grand design that He is working out in all of human history. God lavished His grace on us so that we could partner with Him in that design. Before we were even born, He had a purpose for each of us to fulfill in His grand design. He gave each of us a destiny! Again, I am in awe of our Creator God!!

Father, thank You for Your lavish love! Thank You for every spiritual blessing. Thank You that I get to partner with You to fulfill the destiny that You have in store for me. Amen!!