Image of The Creator

I am Yahweh, Creator of all. I alone stretched out the canvas of the cosmos. . . . Isaiah 44:24 TPT

I’m still musing on bearing the image of God. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He created everything in them by the word of His mouth. When He speaks, He creates. He is a creative God. And everything He creates is good.

Yes, first God knit us together in our mothers’ wombs, thereby creating life. Then He regenerated us by His Spirit; we are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Praise Jesus!! Once we accept Jesus, the Spirit of The Creator lives inside of us! If we are to bear His image, it necessitates that we are creative. It is our identity; it is who we are. We are a reflection of our Creator.

Our innate desire to make something or to build something, is that reflection of our Creator. Artists and other creatives are more in tune with this. Yet, for all people, that desire to create new things is an invitation to partner with The Creator.

The Creator is looking for those who will partner with Him to fill the whole earth with the knowledge of the glory of God. He desires that all people everywhere be acquainted with His divine, creative Spirit. Our creative partnership with our Creator is part of the unfolding process of God’s goodness and glory filling the whole earth!! Amen and Amen!