I am beginning a 40 day fast this week. Don’t worry, I’ll will not be fasting for 40 consecutive days. Those 40 days will be spread over the whole year. I am joining the Bridegroom fast with the International House of Prayer (https://www.ihopkc.org/about/global-bridegroom-fast/).
I fasted one day a week for a season, but that was years ago. I am out of the habit of fasting, so I am a little anxious about this commitment. Can I do it?
One thing I have learned is that successful fasting hinges on having a Fasting Focus. So I am declaring mine below in case you feel called to join the Global Bridegroom Fast.
1-Greater intimacy with my heavenly Bridegroom. I am praying for a broken and yielded heart in me personally and in His bride as a whole.
2-Revival. I am praying for renewal in the church; His fullness and unity. That our hearts would long to see more of Jesus’ power and presence. Revival in hearts that will sweep nations in a day.
3-The Great Harvest and divine protection. Bring them in, O’Lord - Israel and other nations, the young and the old, the rich and the poor. O’ Lord, that none would perish.
4-The wealth of the nations released back to God for use in His kingdom.