Loyal Love

“And he [King Amaziah] did what was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a loyal heart.” 2 Chronicles 25:2

King Amaziah of Judah started his reign well by obeying God’s Word and God’s prophets. Therefore, God gave him a miraculous victory over his enemy. Unfortunately, King Amaziah’s heart was not loyal to God. He worshiped the gods he had captured from his defeated foe. King Amaziah never won another battle after that. His own people conspired against him and murdered him.

How did King Amaziah go from victory to defeat? Why did the people who supported him as king betray and murder him? All because his heart was turned to other gods.

The One True God wants our hearts . . . and our obedience. We must do what is right with a loyal heart. In John chapter 14, Jesus reiterates in at least 5 different ways, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Love and obedience are always in the same sentence; they are inseparable.  Does Jesus have our heart?

Once Jesus has the affection of our hearts, we realize that our life is not our own. Our one desire becomes to see Him honored and glorified. We long to live out His purposes, and His destiny. No longer can our hearts be captured by another. Our whole life focuses on Him.

Loyal love is what knits our hearts to His. Our Christian walk is, first and foremost, an affair of the heart. It has to be. Then our affections cannot be captured by another.

Wrap your heart around Jesus! Then you will never leave Him or forsake Him. Enter into the divine romance with a loyal heart.