4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice from Habakkuk

Are you distressed at the strife in our nation? Are you praying about the injustice and violence and wondering why God is not acting? If so, then take encouragement from Habakkuk.

The prophet Habakkuk asked God why He did not correct the violence, iniquity, and strife in Israel (1:1-4). God responded by announcing  judgment would come in the form of a conquering enemy (1:5-11). That was not the answer that Habakkuk had hoped for. So, he prayed again and waited for God to answer (1:12-2:1).

I want to pause the narrative to highlight four keys to hearing God’s voice:

1-Stand and watch (2:1)

After he asked his question, Habakkuk stood like a sentinel waiting for God to answer. Was Habakkuk actually a watchman on the wall or did he just use that as a metaphor? In either case, he clearly had an intimacy with God and a regular prayer time (his watch).

Do we have an intimacy with God in which we can ask the difficult questions? Do we have a regular “prayer watch?”

2-Wait to See What God Will Say (2:1)

Habakkuk asked a question and simply waited for God to answer. He fully expected to receive a response, and we can too.

Hearing God is our birthright as born-again Christians. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice (John 10:27). We can expect to hear God by His Spirit through prophecy, dreams, and visions (Acts 2:17).

Most of us approach our prayer time with a list, and we fill up all the airspace. I wonder, if God could get a word in, what would He say?

3- Write it down (2:2)

God told Habakkuk to write the vision. God wanted His vision written down because the appointed time was yet future. He knew that His people would need encouragement as they waited. Then, once the vision became a reality, the written vision would be a witness to God’s greatness and glory. 

“When the God of the Universe says something to you, you ought to write it down.”1 These words induced me to start a spiritual journal over 20 years ago. I record answers to prayers, prophetic words spoken over me, inspirations from His Word, etc. Anytime I feel discouraged or “stuck,” I review my history with God as seen in my journals. He has been faithful time and again, and I am encouraged to trust Him in my current need.

I implore you, also, to write it down!

4-Wait for It (2:3)

God’s appointed time may be longer than we want. Abraham and Sarah waited decades for their promised son. King David waited 20 years to ascend to his promised throne. Perhaps you have promises that you have been waiting a long time for. I know I have.

All God’s promises are yes and amen (2 Cor 1:20). When God speaks a word, it WILL come to pass! Wait for it.