News Year's Resolve 2022

“Awaken Love” are the divine words that keep resurfacing in my heart. I first heard those words highlighted in a sermon. I am not sure how they even related to the sermon, but they struck a chord in my heart.

That same week, during a special worship time we sang, “Every day I commit to gaze on You. I will search You out!” As I sang out that commitment to my Lord, the words “Awaken Love” bubbled up again.

God is calling me to “Awaken Love” for Him in my own heart. I feel the stirrings and longings already. I am ecstatic that He is calling me deeper into intimacy with Him! This is a Sacred Journey.

I also feel drawn to share my journey, to “Awaken Love” in the hearts of others.

Previously, my “why” for writing these devotionals was to share the nuggets from His Word that He whispered into my heart. God gave me a teaching gift, and I sought to use it for His glory. Now, my motive for writing is to “Awaken Love.”

My plan is to walk into the Holy Place with the language of love. As we simply adore Jesus in that Holy Place, we will be drawn into the Holy of Holies – into His very presence. Lingering in His lavish love will awaken our love. It takes my breath away just thinking about it!

This is my goal for the new year. I hope you will join me. Journey with me into the lavish love of our Heavenly Bridegroom!