Lame Prayer Life

And the king said, ‘Is there not yet anyone of the house of Saul, so I can show the kindness of God to him?’ And Ziba said to the king, ‘Jonathan has yet a son who is lame in his feet.’” 2Samuel 9:3

We used to have a world map pasted on our family room wall. I spent hours on the floor in front of it, praying through the 10/40 window. I humbled myself for my own nation. I cried out for the nations where the gospel is banned or restricted. I tenderly upheld the persecuted and imprisoned saints.

That’s been years ago now. And I confess that my prayer life today is anemic. I spend little time at it. And when I do, I’m usually praying for me and mine.

I’ve attempted to resurrect that earlier fervor. One time, I determined that I would wake up early and spend one hour every morning praying in tongues. That lasted barely three months. How lame is that?!

Perhaps, like me, you are feeling lame in your prayer life, or in your general walk with the Lord. If so, I have good news for you!

As I was reading about King David, who is a type or a foreshadow of King Jesus, I noticed this son of Jonathan’s. Even before we are told his name, we are told that he is lame in his feet. Why? Feet are symbolic of our walk with the Lord.

The good news is that even though his walk with the Lord was lame, the king showered him with loving-kindness, that is love far beyond what is called for. The king restored all that was taken from him. The king blessed him abundantly with lands and fruit and servants.

Not only that, the king also gave the lame one, a place at his table. In other words, the king invited him into intimacy. The king was adopting him as his own son.

I praise God for the good news of Mephibosheth’s story! I heave a sigh of relief knowing that, despite my lame prayer life, King Jesus showers me with love far beyond what is called for. He restores all that was taken from me. King Jesus abundantly blesses me with land and fruit and helpers.

I thank God that nothing can jeopardize my place at His table! My Beloved King invites me into privileged intimacy with HIM!! He adopts me as His own son!!! Thank You, King Jesus!!!!