Mephibosheth again

“Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for he was eating continually at the king’s table and he was lame in both his feet.” 2 Samuel 9:13

The story of King David’s loving kindness to Mephibosheth ends with him still being lame in both his feet. Again, being lame in his feet talks about his walk with the Lord. Even after all of King David’s kindness, Mephibosheth is still not walking straight with the Lord. Yet, he was continually eating at the king’s table.

I praise God that even if I continue in my lameness (is that a word?), I still have a place at His table. No matter how lame I am, I still live in His Presence! Praise God, He will never leave us nor forsake us!!

The only other time we see Mephibosheth is when King David is returning to Jerusalem after fleeing before his son’s coup attempt. I want you to envision here that King David’s return is like King Jesus’ Second Coming.

Mephibosheth either couldn’t or wouldn’t follow King David as he left the city. Because of that, he lost all his land and possessions that King David had restored to him earlier. Later, Mephibosheth said that he had been deceived by his servant. So, King David again returned half of his possessions. Mephibosheth said never mind about the wealth, I am content that you have returned in peace to your own house.

The good news in this story is that even if our walk with the Lord is lame, even if we don’t follow Him as we should, we still have a place in His Kingdom! Praise God!! And we still receive a portion of the blessing God intended for us. Thank you, Lord!!!

The sobering side of the story is that because Mephibosheth’s walk with the Lord was lame, he didn’t have the strength to follow the king when the going got tough. And because his walk was lame, he was easily deceived. He missed out on the fullness of the blessing that God had for him.

O’Lord, Strengthen my feet!!! I want to follow hard after You, even in the tough times. May I not be deceived. Lord, I want to inherit ALL that You have for me!!!! Amen!