
Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 TPT

God created our imaginations to use for HIS glory!

That realization had me crying out in repentance for allowing the enemy to use my imagination through dark movies and negative thought patterns. I resolved not to be a pawn in the enemy’s schemes ever again!

I consecrated my imagination to God’s use only! He created my imagination for a purpose. He wants to use it to advance His Kingdom. And that’s what I want too!!

I believe my journey as an artist was birthed out of this consecration. Once God had my heart in this area, He opened my eyes to latent seeds of creativity He had planted in me. His Holy Spirit breathed on those seeds, and they sprang to life! I did my part by taking lessons and working on my skills. God planted ideas in my imagination; He cultivated creativity; He produced fruit in my life. And I joyfully bear the fruit of partnering with THE Creator of all life!

All art and beauty spring up out of the imagination. But then, so does evil schemes. God is taking back the arts and entertainment industry! He is planting Christian artists in areas of influence. Those who seek to glorify Him are finding favor and success. He is covering the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God . . . one book or art piece at a time.

I am pleased and honored to be among the troupe of Christian artists declaring the glory of God!! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!