Endless Love

“so that Christ many dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” Ephesian 3:17-19

We have the great privilege and delight, because of Christ’s sacrifice, to have a personal and intimate relationship with Him, the God of the Universe!

Christ’s love for us is deeply intimate. His love for us soars higher than the highest heights. His love for us extends beyond our reach. His abiding love, in us and for us, is vast - without measure. God’s love truly is an endless love.

God wants us so rooted and grounded in His endless love, that it becomes our identity. I am loved!!

When I am endlessly loved by my God, then I am not chasing after human love that is fickle and fading. When I am endlessly loved, it is easy to forgive offenses. My God has been gracious to me; I can afford to be gracious to others. When I am endlessly loved, I radiate a deep and abiding joy, even in difficult circumstances.

Not only is my identity “I am loved,” also my identity is, “I am love.” I realize that is a bold statement. But Christ dwells in my heart and fills me to the full with God’s endless love. His supernatural love fills me and overflows, splashing out on to those around me. I am a fountain of His endless love. I am love.

God is looking for those who will pursue a greater revelation of His love and find their identity there! God is calling us into our identity: I am loved!! God is calling us into our destiny: I am love!!

We were created to live with God’s endless love radiating from us, so that the world will see who He is. God is love! We are the gates that release love, and joy, and forgiveness, and healing, and all the other blessings of the Kingdom of God. This is who we are! This is our identity, in Christ!