Hidden in Christ

I am contemplating how being hidden in Christ is a little like Jacob (grandson of Abraham) using the skin of goats to hide his identity. (Gen. 27)

Jacob’s twin brother, Esau, was born moments before him.  Thus Esau obtained all the rights and privileges of the firstborn.  When Jacob’s father, Isaac, was old and blind, he sent Esau to hunt and prepare game for him to eat.  Isaac intended to bless Esau with the blessing of the firstborn. 

Jacob and his mother, Rebekah, hatched a plan to deceive Isaac and steal the blessing.  Rebekah put Esau’s best garments on Jacob.  She also put the skins of the young goats she was preparing on Jacob’s hands and neck because Esau was a hairy man.

Isaac knew the voice of his sons and suspected it was Jacob.  Yet, when he felt the hairy, goat skins, he believed.  And pronounced the blessing of the firstborn over Jacob.

As Jacob hid behind the skin of goats, we are hidden in Christ.  When Father God looks at us, He see His Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased.  And “The Father” pronounces the blessing of the firstborn over us!

However, we are not deceivers like Jacob.  Hebrews chapter ten says we can enter The Father’s presence with confidence by the blood of Christ Jesus.  Jesus inaugurated a new and living way for us to come into the Presence of The Father through His flesh.  In fact, Jesus paid a high price in order that we might wear His skin with confidence.  Jesus suffered persecution, pain and death for us to have that access to The Father.

Nor do we have to conspire to steal The Father’s blessing, like Jacob. God planned before the foundation of the world to bless us with every spiritual blessing. (Eph. 1) He predestined us to adoption as sons through Christ Jesus, with all the rights and privileges. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we have redemption, forgiveness and an inheritance!  The Father, Himself, made us co-heirs with Christ!! (Rom. 8)    Everything that Christ inherits, we inherit!

Praise God!  He did not spare His own Son but delivered Him over for us all!  We are hidden in Christ!  We have the blessing of the firstborn!  How will He not also freely give us all things?

Thank You, Lord!!!