When they found Him, they said to him, “Everyone is looking for You.” But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.” Mark 1:37-38
Jesus refused to have His schedule dictated by the demands and needs around Him. He knew His purpose, and that was His focus.
Living in India clarified my purpose because the needs were overwhelming. Widows and orphans begged on the streets. Orphanages and slum-schools clamored for support. My local church needed help with missionary efforts. I could not possibly meet the demands for my time.
In this swirling din of demand, I asked a local how she handled the pressure. She said, “I simply focus on my assignment.” Like Jesus, she knew her purpose – her God-given assignment. She focused her energies there, and trusted God to assign someone else to the other needs.
Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the demands on your time? Ask God, “What is my purpose?” Clarify where God has assigned you to pour out your limited time and energy. Then follow Him with single-minded purpose.
When other needs press on your heart, declare your trust in God to meet those needs and restate your purpose. What is your purpose?