Personal Testimony

My battle with the flu last week taught me a valuable spiritual lesson: God’s power comes as I use my authority, in Him.

The first day of the flu, I was literally doubled over with stomach pain. And my body shook from chills and pain. I took authority over the virus. I commanded the pain and virus to leave me. I asked the Holy Spirit to fill me and chase out the offender. When I would pray thus, the pain would reduce to a manageable level.

Of course, the pain would return, so I had the repeat similar prayers throughout the day. All that day, I felt the presence of the Lord in that peace that passes all understanding. And the waves of light that I see when Holy Spirit is with me played in my vision all day. Even as I dozed in and out, waves of light kept me company.

The subsequent days, I had less pain and no chills, so I was not diligent in commanding the virus to leave. I can’t remember doing it even once. Those days I saw very little waves of Holy Spirit light. I didn’t feel that comforting peace of the Lord’s presence as I languished on the couch. I just felt sick.

One could argue that I felt the Lord’s presence more on my day of greatest need because the represents His character. He is the God of Love, and He met me in my hour of need. Yes, I totally believe that! When I am down, He carries me!! Thank You, Jesus!!!

But I also believe there is power in taking the authority that Jesus purchased for us. Jesus took our stripes, our whipping (Is. 53), so that the enemy has no right to put sickness and disease on us. Jesus kept His mouth closed (ibid) so that we have the right to open ours. Jesus paid such a painful price for us to have authority that He wants us to use it! When we use that authority that He purchased for us, then HE backs us up with all the power and resources of heaven!!

I’m feeling so thankful for the power and authority that Jesus purchased at the whipping post and at the cross. I would be lost and hopeless without it . .. literally. Amen.