However there need be no accounting made with them of the money delivered into their hand, because they deal faithfully. 2 Kings 22:7 NKJV
When God snatched my stepsister back from the dark side, she read the entire Bible in three months. Three months! It takes me a whole year to read through the Bible. I felt convicted.
My excuse, at that time, was that I was raising children and running a busy household. My kids are grown now and run their own households. So, why have I not even attempted a three-month reading plan? Fear. I was afraid to fail.
At a recent conference, a speaker inspired me to try. Her voice caught in her throat when she said that reading through the Bible in three months changed her heart. If greater intimacy with Jesus is to be had by this, then I am in!
Once I made the commitment, the fear evaporated. I couldn’t wait to get started. God has given me an insatiable hunger for His Word. I am delighted to report that I am 17 days ahead of schedule.
The reason I am giving this testimony is to share a nugget from His Word that I only noticed because I am reading so quickly. Two of the kings of Judah (King Jehoash and King Josiah) ordered God’s house to be restored and repaired. Both times no accounting was required from the workmen “because they deal faithfully” (2 Kings 22:7).
These faithful workers were diligently restoring and repairing the house of God. That brings to my mind 2 Timothy 2:15 where Paul used the diligent worker as a metaphor to illustrate the Christian minister. God approves of workers who rightly divide (or discern) the word of truth. He uses those faithful workers to restore and repair His house (His church).
Finally, I noticed at the end of the list of supervisors of the reconstruction of the temple are “all who are skillful with musical instruments” (2 Chr. 34:12). In other words, worshippers will be leaders in restoring and repairing the church.
Are you a worshipper? I am. As worshippers, we are helping to lead the faithful workers. We have a part in bringing restoration and healing to the church. That blesses my heart.