My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27 NKJV
How do you recognize God’s voice?
Do you get asked that question? I do. Usually, I give examples of the different ways I have “heard” God speak.
I put “heard” in parentheses because I have only heard an audible voice once in my life. Even then, I’m not sure that the voice came from the outside; what I mean is through my hearing ears. The voice was a clear and direct answer to the question I was praying about. And it was so loud that I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was there. Of course, no one was.
God’s “voice” is more of a leading than an audible voice. Some call it a “nudge” or a “knowing.” It requires a sensitivity to God’s Holy Spirit. And an awareness that the Holy Spirit is always speaking.
God’s leading is sometimes direct and obvious. For example, this morning I was praying about what to write for my blog next. God highlighted a scripture in my daily devotions. On another occasion this year, I prayed for an editor for my children’s books. God provided not one, but two! And He made it abundantly clear who His choice was.
At other times, God’s leading is more subtle. I question if that was my idea or His. For example, I had the idea to ask a friend to return a book she borrowed some time ago. I wanted to see if it had ideas that I could adapt for my children’s books. It did.
In addition, the book confirmed to me a thought that I had had earlier which I was again wondering, Is this my idea or the Lord’s? I was also inspired by that book to update one of the stories that I had already completed. My resolve to finish the task God has given me was renewed and heighted.
So, while I thought it was my idea to ask for this book back, it appears it was God’s idea. I love that!
I love when God fills my mind with great ideas, and I act on them (obedience) without even knowing. It tells me that I am in tune with His Holy Spirit. As I keep my mind on Him, God gives me creative ideas (see last week’s devotion from Is. 26:3).
How do you recognize God’s voice? Keep your mind on Him, and assume your every good idea is His.