Have you always wanted to play an instrument but felt like you did not have the talent or the time to learn? That was me.
I had tried to learn piano as a kid, and I remember it being difficult and boring. I tried again when I paid for my kid’s piano lessons. Again, it seemed too difficult.
Recently, I had the idea of attempting to learn the piano again. As I pondered, I wondered if I should try guitar this time. Maybe that would be an easy instrument to learn, and I would have the advantage of being able to carry it with me everywhere I go.
As I toyed with these ideas, God sent me a prophetic word. God gave the following vision to a young woman: I was seated at a grand piano in the front of an ornate, old church. Sun shone through stained-glass windows giving the church a cheerful glow. God was revealing songs of love that He sings over me. And God was releasing through me, songs of deliverance, that set people free.
What a beautiful prophetic word! It spoke right to my heart! I took this word as a confirmation that my desire to learn the piano was from the Lord. He has given me an invitation to intimacy with Himself at the piano. The piano will be my sanctuary where I will hear His songs of love over me. The piano will be my ministry as He gives me songs of deliverance. I am excited to get started!
If you have a desire to learn an instrument, like me. Believe that God placed that desire in your heart and think of it as an invitation to intimacy with the Lord your God. If you will learn to play songs of worship to Him, He will meet you there.