Standing on Tiptoe

The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! Romans 8:19 TPT

I love the imagery - I imagine demons scurrying in haste because their time is short. Angels lean over the balcony of heaven. I envision trees standing on the “toes” of their roots and the wind whispering to the mountains, “Is it time yet?”

All of creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay. The universe has endured chaos and groanings, a consequence of the original sin (Gen. 3:17). That is why it is standing on tiptoes; it yearns for freedom.

What is the universe watching and waiting for? It is eagerly anticipating the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!

Yes, you and I have a glorious destiny for which the universe anxiously awaits. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we’ve had a small taste of that glory. The Presence of the Holy Spirit is so sweet that it creates in us a passionate longing (a groaning), just as the universe has. We are all longing for that glorious day when we will finally be fully united (glorified body AND spirit) with our precious Jesus. This is the hope of our salvation! This is what the universe is standing on tiptoe to see.

When we are fully redeemed from the curse, then the universe will celebrate its freedom too. Come, Lord Jesus, Come!